Kittenfur, Kitty, Kit, Kate, Sissy. These are all names our Katie Lea has acquired over her now 24 years on this earth.
I'm so grateful that God allowed Katie Lea to be OUR daughter. At times her strong will and my will collided until I began seeing our strong willed little girl becoming a woman of passion.

All during my pregnancy with Kit, Vann and I prayed that she would not be a vanilla person but rather a flavor like snickerdoodle or raspberry with chocolate or tutti frutti. God gave us the desires of our heart and blessed us with a daughter who is dark chocolate with a smidge of tabasco thrown in. :) It's a great combination!
I've never heard of another lady who had to be induced 4 times (yes, that's right...
4 times!) in order for the baby to come. But I, my friends, was induced
4 times. It was as if Katie Lea had her hands and feet on the wall of my uterus and was saying to us, "I'm just not ready! Back off, Jack!"
God has blessed this precious young woman with passion, artistic ability, an abundance of love and many friends. For this I'm so grateful. (And, she'll never give up on my trying to do "glamour lips" with her even though I've told her thin-lipped women just can't do it!)

Happy Birthday, Sweet Kittenfur. You'll always be our precious little girl.

Kitty Crazy,