When I was growing up our breakfast table looked out on the flower garden with the bird bath in our back yard. My parent's designed the house with the breakfast nook to have the big window view of the yard. It was at that table that I learned about the different birds, their habits, their songs and of course their names.
Of all the beautiful birds we witnessed through the years, I remember my mom telling me the little wren was her favorite. I always wondered why. It was so - -brown. It wasn't vivid like the cardinal or blue jay.
But, now, I think I too favor the wren. I love it's jaunty little tail feathers. While he is unassuming, his markings are beautiful. When I watch them I see their over confidence. They always have a beautiful song on their heart.
If you are interested in this little wren, you can reach me at journeysinn@gmail.com.
With a song in my heart,