Caroline is at camp this week and we can't talk with her or e-mail her or Skype her. (Skype is a neat technology tool where you can "talk" with each other over your computers. You can see each other and have a real conversation.) It's about to drive us crazy! I know our baby is tired and I want to be able to offer her a bit of "Momma Love". Maybe to be more accurate, I NEED to give her some "Momma Love". I may need to give it more than she needs to receive it! Wow. Now, there's a thought... Nope. Don't want to land on that thought too long. : }
Anyway, Father, please be with our Care Bear and give her the strength, wisdom, joy and love she needs. And, Father, please be with us as our Twinkle Bear is growing up into the beautiful young woman you have created her to be. Thank you.
By the way, let's keep the photo above as our little secret. She sure won't feel like any "Momma Love" if she knew I posted this for the whole world to see.
1 comment:
I, too, am more than ready to hear from Care.
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