When our children were born (their boys are our girl's ages) we continued the tradition and took turn at each others homes with a fun Easter lunch and the usual round of Easter egg hunts. Looking back on those photos through the years brings tears to my eyes. I miss Kimbra, Brent, Justin and Chet at Easter.
Another memory that pops into my mind was the Good Friday when I was in 2nd grade. I was in Mrs. Granger's class and she and the parents had put on a fabulous Easter party with punch, cake, chocolate and all sorts of Easter goodies. After the party, we went outside for recess to run off some of that extra sugar high, no doubt. We were coming back inside to go to Mrs. Gibson's class' Easter program when I started not feeling so good.

I told Mrs. Granger. She was warned. They packed the four 2nd grade classes all in Mrs. Gibson's class. I told Mrs. Granger again I wasn't feeling well. She encouraged me to sit down and cool off (impossible on that hot day and in a room with what must have been 100 hot, squirmy kids and no air conditioning.)
Beautiful Mrs. Gibson with her lovely bouffant hair, her slim fitting dress and high heels got up and excitedly began telling the students and teachers all about their Easter program. I, sitting on the front row, right in front of this beautiful lady, felt the volcano in my stomach about to erupt and stood up and literally be-came the girl in the Exorcist, sharing all my recycled punch, cake and chocolate with beautiful Mrs. Gibson.
Have you ever felt like you would like to just die? Well, me, too. But, I tell ya. Mrs. Gibson was gracious and beautiful even outfitted with all my regurgitated goop. She was the epitome of grace.
I'm thankful for kind people. Tomorrow, maybe I'll write about Mrs. Tyndal and her Good Friday story.
Thankful for grace,
1 comment:
You write about that in a very amusing way. Thanks for sharing.
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