This is Oliver Ferdinand Conwell. Yes, of course we name our cars! Don't you? My car's name is Dora (the Explorer), Vann's car is Silver Streak. Serge didn't have a name for his car and couldn't believe we did. We decided to name his car Serge, Jr. He liked that. Caroline's car is Jesus (pronounce Hay-Soos - the hispanic pronunciation.) Weird? How many of you can say, to your CAR, "Thank you, Jesus for getting me here?" :)
Anyway, back to my beautiful grandson. Katie Lea (our oldest) has been saving for a new to her car...not just any car, but a Doodle Bug. She found one she liked a lot (thank you to the Hanner's) but it wasn't in the color she wanted. But the price was right. She took it to get a paint job and Oliver is good as new.
He's so handsome, isn't he? He's a pale mint green. Just delicious.
Funny. Cheryl, my friend at work, got a new Doodle Bug about two weeks ago and now Katie Lea got one. I want one! (Sorry, Dora. You have been good to me and have many miles left to go.)
Gleeful grandmama,
How fun! I am jealous....I want a doodle bug also, but unfortunately I have yet to figure out how to get two car-seats comfortably in the backseat!
Maybe once we are out of the car seat stage I can get one :)
PS - Are you yard-saling tomorrow?
I am yard-saling this morning. I'm going with Care one last time before she moves into the dorm today. We'll also have her friend, Jen, with us.
Are you?
They are so cute! I saw one in a the car lot near me and it was painted pink! So now that's all I think about. I want that car so badly.
HI Susan :)
Thanks for the comment on my blog :)
I love this car!!!! How cute!!!!
I want one now too!!! LOL
candy :)
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