Now it's my turn to give this award to 5 inspiring bloggers who I enjoy.
1. Conexus has inspiring and challenging thoughts on what it means to be God's church. Also some fun serendipity.
2. Anne writes Everything Under the Son. Honesty, humor, real. Thanks, Annie Lou.
3. Tammy writes In the Grip of Grace. Real and so powerful.
4. Not So Deep Thoughts by Denise is fun! Always God honoring, too. Thanks, Denise. Keep writing! :)
5. The Cleft of the Rock always has something thought inducing.
Congratulations! Check them out for great reading. The rules for this award are:
* You must pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award, based upon creativity, design, interesting material, and that also contribute to the blogger community.
* Each award must have the name of the author with a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
* Award-winners must show the award and put the name and link to the blog that awarded it.
* Award-winners and the one who has given the prize must show the link to the Arte y Pico blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
* These rules must be included in your post.
Enjoy giving out this award!
You are quite welcome, friend. :)
I apologize for misspelling Lily. :-}
Love your blog, congrats on the award too!
Saw you comment on Glenda's blog, she is so wonderful, and I enjoy her humor so much. Thought I would stop by and say HI to you, the Bug post was great, glad she could get the color she really wanted!
Donna Lynn
P.S. I went to ACU, my parents just moved from Abilene about 4 yrs. ago...
Gracias, friend Lila/ Susan. Give me a bit to dig out from the weekend!
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