Isn 't she adorable?
I heard a thought provoking comment many years ago that still resonates with me. "God gives us the biggest challenge until last. Living until we die."
I've often used that in my career with older adults. But now, I'm realizing, I am an older adult. Ew.
But what does "living until we die" really mean? To me, it means clarity of thought, purpose, direction. It means looking someone in the eye and really trying to understand what they are saying (or not saying). It means seeing with my heart the things that God has put smack dab in front of me to be grateful for. It means seeing things in a new, exciting way.
Last week our oldest daughter Katie Lea (Kit, Kitty, Kate, Kittenfur - all names we use for her) and I were hard working, well oiled woman machines! I wish I could say I was a little buffer or slimmer for the effort, but, ah...no.
Katie Lea painted 3 rooms. She painted Blue Heaven. It's still Blue, just a softer blue. See previous post. She painted Bliss - a new name for Caroline's bedroom and our new guest room. Care has informed us that she is basically on her way out. (My goodness, the audacity of our 20 1/2 year old!) Kit also painted our 2nd floor bathroom. It's a beautifully soothing "spa green" as Care says. Kitty also painted the ceilings in these rooms and I like it.
Anyway, back to the main trail and off the rabbit trail...
Tonight, as I sit with my computer in my new office and creating space (Blue Heaven) I noticed for the first time in the 4 years and 2 1/2 months we have lived in this house that I have a magnificent view of McMurry's chapel tower out of my Blue Heaven window! The tower is lit and magical. How have I missed this? Curtains. (I just now looked out my window again and saw it. tee hee!)
How many other things am I missing? A lot, I'm sure.
I have some more thoughts, but will save them for another post. Too much is too much.
Thank you for confirming what I am being told...
Live intentionally....
Live until I die.
Well I see that Linda has already left the thought that came to my mind. God has been telling me to Live Intentionally. No matter how hard life is - I need to live it.
Great words! Thanks for sharing. I am still planning to move in with you guys one day.
Thanks for the picture at the top of this post. That woman looks A LOT like my grandma who just died, but it was so nice to remember. I hope you continue discovering about yourself and about the world around you as you enjoy fresh paint.
Also, I don't reckon you'd be willing to clue me in as to what it's like for a pastor's family when they leave their call, would you? I'd really like some insight. I think that this will email you with my email address... Or if you don't have time, that's okay, too. Have a great day, regardless.
Great post....I knew the Lord sent me here today for a reason...
I'm always blessed when I do!
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