Have I mentioned how much I'm enjoying my art class? My new friend, Jo Ann, taught it. We worked with acrylics and I learned a lot of new techniques. I like it even better than watercolors, I think. You can make mistakes with it and cover them up. You can't do that with watercolors.
Beginning tomorrow night our group is going to get together just to paint - - not real instruction as such, but I can't wait until then!
When I paint, something wonderful is released in my spirit. I took a watercolor class when our girls were small and I felt the same way then. It's been too long since I've painted. It's like your spirit being constipated. (Sorry, I just couldn't think of a more "ladylike" way to say that.)
I let commitments get in the way of refreshing "me time." I forget to take care of myself. You've heard (probably many times) about how important it is to put the oxygen mask on yourself before putting it on the child in an airplane. Seems cruel. But, how can you take care of the child if you can't breathe.
How can we take care of those we love if we are running on empty? We can't.
What makes your spirit soar? What makes you feel alive? Really alive?
For me, it's art. Sometimes it is writing. Sometimes it's reading. Always it's laughing.
Last week I went up to Blue Heaven (my favorite attic room in my house) and just sat...for 30 minutes! I didn't have a note pad. The television or radio weren't on. In fact, I don't even have those things in Blue Heaven. I just sat there. I prayed some. I looked around the room. And, I just sat. Meditated. It was the most clarifying 30 minutes. It was oxygen. I was just being.
After that I could see more clearly. Respond more appropriately. When I take time to just "be" my spirit is calm enough for God to speak. Rather...when I take time to just "be" my spirit is calm enough for me to Hear God speak.
What sets your spirit to flying? What makes your heart sing? My friend, Sarah feels she was born to be a writer. (I think she is right. She's quite good. Check her out.) What is your spirit soaring dream. If we speak it, we are closer to realizing it.
Don't be shy,
1 comment:
I love this post! In this season of my life (homeschooling and raising 4 kiddos) those rare and precious moments of being alone in silence revive me too. Thank you for this great reminder to take time to rejuvenate and give our spirits rest and release. Bless you!
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