Saturday, December 26, 2009

I'd Like Another Life, Please

Before you contact the mental health authorities for me, let me explain. There are so many things I'd like to do, that it would be good to have another life to get them all done!

I'd like to be a painter, a decorator, a cook, a singer, a writer, an actress and a dreamer to name a few things.

Currently, I'm a wife, a mom of grown children, a daughter, a friend (though not a very good one lately) a director with a retirement community, an inn keeper, a student, a part time artist and a sleeper. (It takes a lot of sleep and quietude for this 51 year old introvert to maintain creativity, gratitude and joy.)

I'm reading a delightful book called Going Gray: What I Learned about Beauty, Sex, Work, Motherhood, Authenticity, and Everything Else That Really Matter by Anne Kreamer. It's thought provoking, for sure.

Why am I reading something like that, you may ask. When I was at the beach with my husband last week I noticed that my hair was looking a bit Cruella de Ville-ish . . . and it had only been 2 1/2 weeks since my hairdresser had worked her magic. For those of you in my decade, you remember the Clairol commercial, "Does she or doesn't she?" Well, this gal definitely does...did.

Yes, I've decided to let my gray hair be my crowning glory. I will look a bit like a calico cat for a few months, then I will be gray. You may be asking why I'm letting myself go. I'm not. I'm simply taking another step toward authenticity and being who God created me to be.

I've never fudged on my age when people ask me how old I am, though I will soon be old enough to be my mother's grandmother. She maintained that she was 29 years old her whole life. I'm thankful for the journey that God is walking me through in this life and I want to do it authentically. Of course, I want to have a stylish, sassy do, that's authentic, of course. smile.

I hope to be getting more writing done on my blog. More painting in my studio. More studying in my home office and more reading in my bed. So, Father, will you please show me how to accomplish the things you would have me to do today. As you can see, My To Do list is quite full. What is on your to do list for me?



Trish said...

Thanks for updating! I enjoy reading your blog. You could write a devotional book!

Sarah said...

Love that you're going gray -- I currently am due to dire budgetary restrictions at my house! I see all that you can do as a blessing -- God gifted you with SO much that He has much for you to do!